My name is joan fitzgerald, I’m a 35yr old Caucasian female with a diagnosis of malignant thymoma with major indentation of the right atrium. The tumour is extending from the left pulmonary artery effectively surrounding the svc, occluding the innominate and involving the right superior pulmonary vein. I was diagnosed July 2015 and I had a good response to 6 cycles of chemotherapy cisplatin and etoposide with an apperant good response, followed by 24 fraction of radiotherapy. I recently undergone surgery where the cardiothoraic surgeon failed to debunk or resection the mediastinal mass as it was adhering the RA/svc junction invading into the cardiac muscle and deemed too hazardous to proceed as unable to access great vessels.
I was referred back to my oncologist and current treatment plan is to monitor at 3 month intervals and intervene with more chemotherapy when needed and also monitor for signs of further svc obstruction and treat as necessary.
My reason for contacting you is your patient stories are over ten years old and I’m curious of any further advancement in this area and are your clinical trails only available in the usa? I find it very hard to find reliable information in this area as my thymic cancer is so rare and like as cancer patients I want to prolong my good quality of life as long as possible. So any information any reliable links would be greatly appreciated.