My experience seems be a total tale of confusion and I have often felt like Alice down the rabbit hole, except with no happy ending. I was always a fairly healthy person in the big picture.  Tons of allergies, very susceptible to colds and flu, in the hospital only 3 times, pneumonia as a child, c section, and appendicitis in my 30s. Never any major problems.   In 2008, I had a pain in my right shoulder, this in itself was not unusual, I worked in an office.  I was always using the phone and the computer, my shoulders had always been weak.  This painRead More →

The ITMIG 2015 Conference will take place at the Regal Hotel, Shanghai, China.  October 23-25 Regal International East Asia Hotel 516 Hengshan Road, Shanghai, ChinaRead More →

Practice Guidelines Updated 2015 Now Available: You’ll find the latest version of the NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology for Thymomas and Thymic Carcinomas in the Files section of the Foundation’s Yahoo group.Read More →


Click the following link to read past news and information about the Foundation. CLICK HERERead More →

April 2012 My thymic carcinoma was diagnosed in July 2011. In May and June, I was complaining of breathlessness, weakness, & shortness of breath. When I walked up 1 flight of stairs, I was gasping for air at the top. This seemed very odd, as I had been going to a rigorous aerobics program 5x a week for 3 years. After 2 months of whining, I finally went to the doctor. I asked for a full blood panel analysis and x-rays. My x-rays were clear; no sign of anything. All scores on blood panel were very good, except one: the D-Dimer score. My doctor saidRead More →

Posted May 2012 In February 2007, Lori, our then sixteen year old son Josh, and I were in China adopting our precious 19 month old baby girl, Joyanna. Although Lori had suffered from migraines all her life, the headaches were increasing. We attributed them to older age and medication sometimes helped. In May 2007 we went to a local emergency room, but they simply treated my wife for a migraine, even when I insisted this was not a typical headache. Then on June 13, 2007 (Lori’s birthday), another painful headache began. That Friday I took my dear wife to a doctor friend who performs occipitalRead More →

Posted May 2012 My husband Allan, age 54, went for a routine physical in February 2012. He hadn’t had one for 7 years. They asked him if he wanted a chest xray? Luckily he said yes. (His father had passed away in 2008 from lung cancer). The chest xray showed a “mass in his chest.” Then MRI and CAT scans showed a lime sized growth in the thymus region. I researched a thoracic surgeon in Orlando where we live and luckily found Dr Luis Herrera at MD Anderson. I chose him because of his high ratings and because he seemed up to speed on noninvasiveRead More →

Membership in the Foundation allows patients, caregivers, and others interested in this disease to have their voice heard. Membership is free, and you can learn more by clicking here.Read More →