Here is the short version of my wife Jeannie’s losing battle with cancer. Her primary medical oncologist first diagnosed lymphoma, soon changed it to lung cancer–and then held steadfast to that diagnosis despite the fact that two of his colleagues (a radiation oncologist and a pulmonary oncology specialist) at the Helen Graham Cancer Center here in Delaware believed it was thymic cancer, and two older, very experienced and well-respected physicians (a medical oncologist and a thoracic surgeon/oncology specialist) at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia confirmed that it was indeed “thymic,” not lung cancer. At every point, we were told that it did not *matter,*Read More →

I was diagnosed with Thymic Carcinoma in July 2002 after my Doctor noticed something in the front of my neck. After an ultrasound in emergency they found that I had blood clots in my juggular vein and a vein across my shoulder. I was only 39 and when they did the CT scan they found that I had a tumour the size of a tennis ball that had wrapped itself around my superior vena cava (which caused the blood clots). It took 34 days to diagnos and then I had to remain on blood thinner shots (one a day to my tummy)until they decided ifRead More →

I am a 44 yo white male. I have a rare one. An atypical carcinoid (neuroendocrine tumor)of my thymus. No symptoms and discovered by accident on 9/3/03 on an xray taken after a freak fall down some stairs. Surgical biopsy and subsequent resection on 11/3/03, included the 5cm x 5cm x 4cm tumor, the upper lobe of my left lung, a portion of the pericardium, remainder of my Thymus gland, and several lymph nodes and fatty tissue. No malignancy detected in anything removed other than the tumor itself and one of the five lymph nodes. Excerpts from surgical pathology report: Classified as a grade 2Read More →

John passed away August 28, 2005. Our thoughts and prayers to Teresa and her family. John is a 46 year old engineer. We have 3 children; a daughter, 22, beginning law school this Fall; a son, 20, in college; and another daughter ,7, in second grade this Fall. John has worked full time throughout his illness up until this May. Now, he is on disability. I go to all of his doctor’s appointments and always stay with him in the hospital. Thanksgiving weekend 2001, broke a rib. Christmas day 2001, had an x ray in the emergency room for the same broken rib and theyRead More →

God Bless Jose and Maggie. Jose passed away from Thymic Carcinoma. Back in July 2003, my husband, Jose 39 yrs old, had a serious bout with bacterial meningitis. After 4 weeks he slowly started recovering from the meningitis. When an MRI was done a large anterior mediastinal mass was noted. The mass was believed to be a thymoma. (A tumor on his thymus gland) We went to a surgeon, who specialized in thymomas. A ct scan was done, and it was believed to be lymphoma instead of a thymoma. Because the tumor measured 6cm X 12 cm and believe to be putting pressure on hisRead More →

Karen passed away in August 2004. I was diagnosed with thymic carcinoma late last year, stage IVB with lymph node metastasis. To date I have undergone six rounds of chemo (carbo and taxotere). I have to meet with my doctor to determine the next step. Are there either patients or physicians whom I could contact to discuss what to do? My doctor doesn’t seem very hopeful. One of the worst things is that i just feel so alone. I’ve had chemo but not radiation. My doctor is waiting to see what the chemo does and is also hoping to put me on Iressa when itRead More →

Hi, I’m Karri. a 43 year old female. I have been diagnosed with thymic carcinoma. I had surgery December 15,2004 at Harrison Memorial Hospital in Bremerton, Washington. The surgeon said he removed a mass the size of his closed fist. The heart muscle, larynx, and into neck were coated with a substance like “spilled tapioca pudding.” (surgeon’s quotes) He was able to get all of the coating except at the back of the heart muscle between the main heart valve. He also removed three enlarged lymph nodes in the left shoulder – two were benign and the other malignant. Some nerves in the diaphragm hadRead More →

See for details My 10yr old daughter is undergoing testing for suspected thymic carcinoid. She has had positive blood work and scans and the uptake in the octreoscan and in the PET scan are in the thymus area. The insurance will not allow us to go out of state unless the local doc can’t handle it. Any helpful info would be so appreciated. There are a couple of docs listed as knowing more than others but no locations mentioned. We live in Charlotte NC Thank you so much MariaRead More →

Larry Koonce Larry Koonce, brave Texan, friend, thymic carcinoma patient, passed away Monday, June 7, 2004, from complications due to his treatment. Larry had a strength and spirit that comforted us all. See you in heaven, cowpoke. I will try and answer all questions. First, I need to say that I have pretty much just given myself to the medical profession and done exactly what I was told. I have been blessed to have a long list of doctors who are very good at what they do, who know the things they can’t do and know other doctors who specialize in those “other” things.Read More →

I was diagnosed with thymic carcinoma in Oct of 1997. I had no symptoms and the turmor was found on a routine chest x-ray that I has for other reasons. I had surgery that involved removal of my thymus as well as removing a wedged shaped piece of my left lung and a some of my pericardium as the tumor has spread. At the time of surgery they were not able to removed all of the tumor. I then underwent both chemotherapy and radiation treatments from Dec 1997 through Feb 1998. I have been in remission every since and my physicans now consider me cured.Read More →